What is EIN & Who Needs it?
EIN stands for Employer Identification Number. You may need to obtain an EIN from the Internal Revenue service (IRS) for a number of reasons. A few of such reasons are opening business bank account, hiring and retaining employees.
You require an EIN if you desire to set up a store on online marketpalces like Amazon, Walmart, Ebay etc.
Your business requires an EIN if it operates as a corporation or as a partnership or even as a disregarded entity. EIN is an essential requirement to file a federal Employment tax return, Excise tax return, or Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms tax return.
Service Availability
EIN service is available for below listed entities: –
- Sole Proprietorship / US residents
- Corporation
- S Corporation
- Partnership
- Limited Liability Company (LLC) formed in the U.S.
- Personal Service Organization
- Non-Profit
- Trust
- Church Organization
Documents/Information Required for EIN Application
- US LLC Formation Documents for example Articles of Organization / Certificate of Formation or Certificate of incorporation
- Principal business activity
- Business activity code (NAICS)
- Owner’s information like:-
- Full Name
- Address
- Cell number